One of my favorite things about the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day is the opportunity to reflect and dream: to reflect on the gifts of the previous year and dream God-sized dreams for the year to come.

Here are 15 questions I’m prayerfully asking myself as 2024 wraps up and 2025 begins. The beginning of a new year is a grand time to have a conversation with God. Ask Him these questions and listen for His response! These are also great questions to ask a trusted friend.

The presents are unwrapped and your tree may be put away. But there are still conversations to unwrap and discoveries to reveal. The best is yet to come!

  • 1

    Where was your favorite place you traveled to this year so far? What made if your favorite?

  • 2

    What was the best book you read this year? The book lovers you love will make you break this down into categories: Best History, Best Fiction, Best Read-By-the-Pool.

  • 3

    What were some of the best movies you watched this year?

  • 4

    When you look back over the year, what was your favorite part? It may be valuable to break this down into categories: What was your favorite part of classes? Sports? Church? Friends? Travel? Family?

  • 5

    What was the hardest part of your year?

  • 6

    What did you do well this past year?

  • 7

    In what ways did God work through you this year? What does that say about how God might want to work through you in the year to come?

  • 8

    What is the most significant thing happening in your life right now?

  • 9

    What’s one action you can take this year to grow in your enjoyment of God?

  • 10

    What is your greatest source of wasted time? What will you replace it with?

  • 11

    What passion project will you work on this year? Put it on your calendar!

  • 12

    How is God inviting you to serve your church?

  • 13

    What one habit do you most want to build this year?

  • 14

    We live best in community. Who are two people God is inviting you to build relationships with this year?

  • 15

    If you were to ask God to do a miracle this year, what would it be?

The Question Habit

Asking questions and listening well can take every relationship deeper.