They Don’t Have to Stick

Uncharacteristic silence wafted from the car seat directly behind me as we drove. Constant words from my happy chatterbox slowed. Then she told me a story. Weeks before, she had been playing in the back yard with a little friend. Excitement led to boredom, then teasing. Where before they had been running around and between [...]

By |2020-11-08T17:06:01-06:00November 8th, 2020|Devotion|0 Comments

What’s in Your Trash Can?

My screen is taken over by the notification centered in the middle of the monitor: "Your startup disk is almost full. To make more space available on your startup disk, delete some files." Why? Because I’m using my trash can as another storage device by default. Here's what happens: I'm happily working away on my [...]

By |2020-09-26T14:57:19-06:00September 23rd, 2020|Devotion|0 Comments

Messages from the Master

We love him so much more than C3-PO. Friendly, witty, helpful. He's the sidekick droid you always wanted. In fact, R2-D2 was the robotic ally for many of the heroes in the Star Wars universe. Han. Leah. Anakin. Luke. Obi-Wan Kenobi. Rey. Yoda. That chirping droid saw—and knew—everything. He carried messages, collected data, and navigated [...]

By |2020-07-26T12:46:12-06:00July 26th, 2020|Devotion|0 Comments

Does My Life Qualify as Canon?

When the books in the New Testament were initially penned, I wonder if the writers knew they were the Holy Spirit-inspired authors of holy Scripture. Like many things Spirit-inspired, I wonder if the act of picking up a pen or dictating a sentence to a scribe  was simply a natural, dedicated, and focused part of [...]

By |2020-06-07T11:47:14-06:00June 7th, 2020|Devotion|0 Comments
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