Messages from the Master
We love him so much more than C3-PO. Friendly, witty, helpful. He's the sidekick droid you always wanted. In fact, R2-D2 was the robotic ally for many of the heroes in the Star Wars universe. [...]
Worry Is Wasted Energy
The street light's yellow glow wafted through the window panes in the dark night. Surrounded by books, notes, scribbles and outlines, I was eight hours from the end of my last college semester. I wish [...]
Does My Life Qualify as Canon?
When the books in the New Testament were initially penned, I wonder if the writers knew they were the Holy Spirit-inspired authors of holy Scripture. Like many things Spirit-inspired, I wonder if the act of [...]
Reading Without the Words
The big, bad man driving the truck waved to the black pig. "Get in." The pig was scared, but he got in. When the man in the red shirt waved to his friend, the pig [...]
Do Justly, Love Mercy
On February 23, Ahmaud went for a run. By now, you know the story. Two men chased him down in a truck. They eventually drove away, but Ahmaud was left bleeding out on the road. [...]
Well Done
How do you hear "Well done, good and faithful servant" at the end of your life? You hear it at the end of this morning. At the end of this afternoon. At the end of [...]