An Engaged Life
Do you wear a wedding ring on your left hand? Remember that happy day when you were engaged? Everything that you did was about and for your fiancé. Their every preference on the forefront of [...]
Observations from a Coffee Shop
The past several weeks, I have become “a regular” at our local coffee shop. The kids have been enjoying summer camp, and I take myself and my laptop to Local, claim a corner, and finesse [...]
Fly it Proud
AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais This weekend, I listened to my husband recount the story of Fort McHenry to our children, and I was reminded that the story we all learned in fourth grade is worth [...]
The Good Deal: Redemption
Half off! Buy one, get one free! Save $49! We all love a good deal. Coupons entice us to step into a store, try something new, or go out of our way to purchase an [...]
Feeling God’s Pleasure
The movie "Chariots of Fire" came out two years before I was born. It is the phenomenal tale of Eric Liddell, known as the Flying Scotsman. A strong believer competing in the 1924 Paris Olympics, [...]
Composition for World Changers
Photography became a passion of mine years ago, and I love running a side business of event, wedding, and family portraiture. Photography is a powerful tool to visually communicate powerful concepts. I passionately believe that [...]