God Never Wastes Passion
Do you have a dream germinating inside of you? A passion you have a hard time even defining? Do people step back a bit when they first meet you, because they didn't expect someone so…passionate, [...]
The Tractor: Known for Redemption
It's a rite of passage that now, as a parent myself, I realize every parent anticipates: the day when your child takes over mowing the lawn. And though I had pushed a lawn mower through [...]
Wash Your Dishes
As I think through this day, my plans include three meals, two snacks, multiple water and milk fill-ups, and countless messes to clean up in a kitchen with toddlers. Food is a part of life. [...]
If You Knew You Could Not Fail
My five-year-old climbed a rock wall. His legs shook. His eyes flitted. Yet he still climbed. From my position directly underneath him, I could see his entire little body shaking as he paused on each [...]
Work as Worship
Have you ever had church outside of church? Have you ever been on a mission trip in a foreign country, and all the sudden you're awash with emotion, feeling, and the confidence that you're right [...]
Run Together
A fleet-footed, swift, fluid runner I am not. I don't jaunt out on a 5-mile run for the fun of it. I don't relish the feeling of pavement beneath my feet, wind in my hair, [...]