Resurrection Monday
"Marley was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. And [...]
Sheltered in the Storm
The first fat drops begin to fall, and I still have about four more passes with the lawn mower before I can consider my job "done." It starts with a vengeance as I begin pushing [...]
Who Are You?
Her wavy long light brown hair, free-spirited, slightly messy, and stunning as always, flowed behind her as she ran down the hallway, clutching her floral notebook, her sparkly purse hanging crossbody from shoulder to hip. [...]
The Spiritual Side of the Eyelash Curler
In my young 20s, I roomed with a gal who became a dear friend. Much to my simple-makeup-wearing-self's amazement, Elizabeth actually had a makeup routine. One step in her routine always made me chuckle as [...]
Outside My Comfort Zone
Every time I pick up a pen, I'm outside of my comfort zone. When I carry a camera in my hands, I sometimes feel incapable of capturing the scene that I see in my heart. [...]
Open Tabs & Emotional Waste
I have a bad habit. My husband knows it, and still loves me. I sometimes hide it, but it's always there. Here it is: I am a chronic tab user. My Web browser is [...]