An Eclipse on a Cloudy Day
With alarms set to go off at 5 am, I laid awake in bed, too excited to go back to sleep. Eclipse day! I'd read the books. I'd watched the documentaries. I'd refreshed the [...]
Superglued Memories
After the last ornaments were packed up mostly with care for another eleven months in the attic, after the snowflake plates were packaged and foisted up the ladder, only one thing remained to call [...]
Listen for Christmas
Like the rest of the world, we're in the middle of Christmas over at the Presently Engaged Podcast! Each short and friendly episode is just right for your walk around the block in the middle [...]
Glory to God in the Lowest
You've heard the story: The shepherds were in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, terrifying each brave shepherd. The angel declared good news [...]
For to Us
Remember inspecting the packages underneath the tree? You may not have been old enough to read, but you could recognize your own name. There it was: mixed in with other presents, was one wrapped [...]
Better Together
On a trip through the mountains, aspen trees quake in glorious splendor, ablaze in orange and red and gold. Rarely will you find a lone aspen—they grow in stands or groves. Why? Because aspen [...]