More Than Monopoly
Dates don't have to be confined to the prototypical "dinner and a movie." Although, for the record, a dinner and a movie is indeed one of our favorite dates. When Peter (also known as the [...]
The Question Habit
Asking questions and listening well can take every relationship deeper. Have an engagement tool for the next time awkward silence fills the air Discover the God-designed uniqueness of another person Help someone else process [...]
Presently Engaged Podcast: Season 3
Season 3 of the Presently Engaged Podcast just released! This season is loosely organized around the engaged family. It’s full of short, friendly encouragement to live intentionally right where you are—and just the right [...]
The Big Game of Listening
At the risk of alienating most people reading this update, I am not a football fan. When I must pretend to follow sports, I am a basketball fan, and I cheer for the Dallas Mavericks. [...]
Presently Engaged Podcast: Season 2
Here comes Season 2 of the Presently Engaged Podcast! In it, you'll find short, friendly, Jesus-focused encouragement to live intentionally right where you are. Listen in wherever you enjoy podcasts! [...]
Hitchhiking With Hope
There are things we tell our children never to do. When I think about directives my parents gave to their seven kids, there are a few that stand out. For example, there was only one [...]