Dew in the Desert
Trudging through the endless sand, they searched for food. Every bite they took reminded them that there was one less morsel for their next meal. Knowing dads and moms, many went with less so their [...]
Carry a Big Stick
Our neighborhood is full of dedicated walkers. From our perch on Romance Point Street, we can see friendly faces walking by. There is a group of three friends who walk together every day, rain or [...]
Seeing Rainbows
I’m sure it’s happened to you, too…you’re walking or driving along, eyes on the road, and someone declares: “Look! A rainbow!” If someone hadn’t called out, you might have passed by without recognizing the beauty [...]
Who Gets the Leftovers?
I walked by our refrigerator to see blue painter’s tape swathed around the entire thing. Words festooned the front, written in an anonymous yet recognizable hand: "Leftovers are bad!" "Destroy leftovers!" "Nasty, ancient, dangerous food!" [...]
Jesus in the Garden
Once upon a time, when all was perfect and right and beautiful in the world, God planted a garden. "And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put [...]
Beautiful Ruins
Even ruins are beautiful. We visit them with excitement, we care for them with respect. Entire trips are organized around the idea of visiting specific moments in history reflected by the building or mosaic or [...]