Have you ever been totally surprised by a conversation?

One day I felt discouraged after an interaction with someone I deeply respected. Our conversation turned painful, leaving me surprised and hurt. 

That night, as our family gathered in the kitchen to share the day’s highs and lows, I brought it up in general terms.

I relayed…”I had a meeting with someone that ended up being complicated. They told me things that hurt my feelings. I felt sad, upset, hurt, and angry all at once. So I told Jesus how I felt and shared all my feelings with Him.”

After a pause, my oldest replied:  “Poor Jesus.”

Today I’m grateful that Jesus hears all my prayers and can handle ALL my feelings. 

He can handle all our feelings, all our moments, all our challenges, all our struggles. When I share those feelings with Jesus, I no longer look to my husband or children to be emotional dumping grounds. They hear the highs and lows, for sure. We all seek to support and understand each other, for sure. But when I’ve first shared my feelings with the King of the universe, I’m free to have a conversation with my crew without charged emotion or unprocessed, raw feelings, expecting them to fill a void that only Jesus can fill.

Psalm 27 outlines this truth and prayer: “LORD, hear my voice when I call; be gracious to me and answer me. My heart says this about you: ‘Seek his face.’ LORD, I will seek your face” (Psalm 27:7-8).

Jesus is not simply a sky daddy or a swear word. He’s a Person, ready to hear you when you talk to Him. Jesus is absolutely powerful, absolutely holy, absolutely worthy,  absolutely everything we need. How might you share your day—and your feelings—with Him today?

The Question Habit

Asking questions and listening well can take every relationship deeper.