We each have a unique way of seeing the world, on this side of eternity.

This week a friend’s glasses broke. And while he waited for his replacements to come in, he had to navigate a few days without his glasses.

I have a light prescription that helps when I’m reading up close. I couldn’t loan him mine.

My husband has a heavy prescription and has worn glasses since he was two years old. He couldn’t loan him his.

No, my friend needed his own glasses, made up of his own prescription, custom-designed for him by his own optometrist.

It reminds me of how the Holy Spirit provides just what we need to see what’s going around us accurately.

Similar to the best custom prescriptions, God’s Spirit is always accurate, always truthful, and never distorts the truth.

20/20 vision is a worldwide standard. The truth never changes. But the glasses you wear might be a bit different than mine.

As you read and interpret God’s Word, you may see things differently than I do. I’m going to trust that the Holy Spirit inside of you is just as measureless and God-sized as the Holy Spirit inside of me, and that I don’t have to prescribe how you interpret God’s Word. That’s what the Holy Spirit does. When reading His Word, His Spirit gives precisely what we need to see life rightly. As we both keep reading the Bible and keep engaged with His Word in community, we’ll become more and more like Jesus.

My family and I will soon launch into a study of Revelation for the school year with Bible Study Fellowship. There sure are a lot of ways to interpret Revelation, aren’t there? We won’t see things the same. We’ll probably read things differently. We’re guaranteed to have some good conversations.

But through it all, we will have the consistent and helpful guide of God the Holy Spirit, directing and prescribing application, communicating the overwhelming truth of the book: that good will triumph over evil, all will be restored, and that the best is yet to come.

Join our family as we study God’s Word together!

And here’s the link to our local San Antonio class, where women, men, and students gather on the same night. I’d love to see you!

Presently Engaged Podcast

Short, friendly encouragement to live intentionally right where you are!